Xpert Digital: Expanding potential international customers with a multilingual website

Expand international digital industry through multilingual website
FI Xpert.digital

Building a digital industry is no easy feat, especially when it comes to reaching a worldwide market. There are many challenges and efforts that must be faced, such as the challenges that come from technical customer needs. 

Here’s the story of Xpert.Digital, originally known as Seo.AG, Xpert.Digital was one of the pioneers in the areas of SEO and SEM worldwide. Let’s follow the success story from Xpert.Digital and how they optimize multilingual websites to achieve their goal and stay afloat in the digital industry. 

From Curiosity to Innovativeness

Konrad Wolfenstein launched their business in the early 2000s in Germany, targeting B2B and SMEs under the name Xpert.Digital. They have been pioneers in digitalization, logistics, and renewable energy, specifically in the industrial and mechanical engineering sectors.

Konrad has worked on several digital development projects, including covering large parking lots with photovoltaic systems. They have been deeply involved in studying urbanization concerning renewable energy and logistics, focusing on initiatives like Smart City, Smart Logistics, and Smart Factory.

Through social media, extended reality, and artificial intelligence, Xpert Digital combines childlike curiosity with practical business models.

“Xpert.Digital strives to answer all questions and develop solutions, further guiding clients through a project management process until completion.”

To expand their service around the world, multilingual websites are one of their strategies to grab the attention of the international market.

Grand Challenge: Shaping New Markets with Flexibility and Professionalism

One of the biggest challenges in their business is delivering results quickly while finding the right solution for industry and mechanical engineering with complex and explanation-intensive services and products. Since their customers are B2B and SMEs, flexibility and speed are important considerations. They recognize the need to act swiftly and build confidence in their ability to overcome these challenges. 

This demands a high level of flexibility and a professional approach to managing mistakes and refining solutions. Their goal is not only to compete in the market but also to shape and professionalize both existing and emerging markets with their innovative solutions.

Xpert.digital Big Challenge

How Linguise Works for Business

Xpert.Digital started as a simple blog but has now grown into a major hub for digital and industry information. The platform offers over 2,500 expert articles and more than 400 PDF documents, all available for free download, covering a wide range of topics.

Xpert.Digital’s success is built on working closely with partners to stay ahead of trends and tackle new challenges. But being a leader in the field isn’t just about speaking German or English. Many of Xpert.Digital’s partners work in international teams where not everyone speaks German well, and the English translations haven’t always been perfect. This has made it hard to reach a global audience, especially in and beyond Germany.

To solve this, Xpert.Digital uses Linguise for better translation. Since Germany is a leader in artificial intelligence, it made sense to use AI to offer content in multiple languages. After using Linguise, they can now provide its content in 18 different languages, making it accessible to a much wider audience. They used 17 languages to reach a global audience more effectively – German, English, Polish, French, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Czech, Russian, Hungarian, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Hindi, Indonesian, Turkish, Korean, and Afrikaans.

Easy Maintenance with One Dashboard

Live Editor Frontend Translation

Managing a multilingual website for business isn’t always smooth sailing. In a previous project, the Xpert Digital team collaborated with a third party and discovered that handling a multilingual site can be complex, error-prone, and time-consuming. It can also be frustrating when the technology doesn’t cooperate, leading to more user errors over time.

Technical updates and expansions often require ongoing training and adjustments. As you add more languages to a multilingual site, the challenges and technical demands increase significantly. This is why it’s rare to find well-functioning multilingual websites with eight or more languages.

After discovering Linguise, they found that translating their website became much simpler. Linguise allows them to work more efficiently without needing complex setups. Xpert Digital can easily activate website translations, which also helps their site rank better in international searches. This includes automatically creating special URLs, language tags, and translated XML files, all of which help their website perform well globally.

For the last part of the interview, Xpert Digital also gives some insight for all businesses to start their journey around the world with a website seamlessly without significant issues.

“The advantage is that small businesses with Linguise are faster and more flexible, providing them with a serious and decisive advantage over the organizational efforts of large companies.”



By using Linguise, Xpert Digital can effortlessly expand their business into international markets. They realized that manually translating their website into multiple languages would be time-consuming and challenging for their team. After discovering Linguise, they were able to translate their website into 17 languages quickly and easily with SEO support. This tool allows their experts to focus on more important tasks and work more efficiently.

By improving product visibility in key markets and delivering a better, localized user experience, Xpert Digital successfully entered new markets with a positive impact.

Ready to explore new markets? Try our automatic translation service for free with our 1-month risk-free trial. No credit card needed!

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