WordPress plugin with cloud AI automatic translation

Translate your WordPress website instantly using our automatic, cloud AI translation plugin.
Linguise is also fully integrated with WooCommerce!

A WordPress plugin as light as possible

The Linguise multilingual translation has been used on WordPress since the beginning and is really optimized to have a small impact on performance. Traditional multilingual systems such as WPML are duplicating numerous pages, adding database requests, and server loads to your WordPress website. The result is a slow loading time.

That is a real problem regarding SEO and user experience. The Linguise multilingual translation has a remote cache system and does not duplicate any content of your local database! This is one advantage among many other speed optimizations.

Translate your WordPress website in 5 minutes

Easy to use with a flexible language switcher

Once your website translation is activated, you’ll need to display a language switcher with flag and language names. Our WordPress plugin offers various integration methods like shortcode, menu or PHP snippet. Depending on your language requirements, the front-end language switcher can be displayed as a pop-up, drop-down, or as a side-by-side.

But also very advanced features for a better WordPress website integration

Automatic WordPress cloud AI translation that boosts your SEO

Content is king when we’re talking SEO, which means content quality and quantity. This is where our WordPress cloud AI translation comes in: creating, for instance, 10 new pages multiplied by 20 languages, which becomes 200 new indexed pages. The pages are fully indexed because we generate page translated URLs, alternate links, and ensure AMP compatibility.

Linguise is also compatible with SEO plugins such as Yoast or RankMath plugins, pertaining to features such as metadata translation and URL management.

Especially efficient for WooCommerce

WooCommerce websites tend to have a large number of products and very frequent content updates. So when a product is updated, so are the other 20 multilingual pages, instantly. This is great for SEO optimization to have a high level of content update frequency. Linguise cloud AI translation is fully tested on WooCommerce websites.

Fully compatible with 3rd party WordPress plugins

WordPress is a popular platform for themes, page builders like Elementor, DIVI, or even Gutenberg editor. Therefore, there are many elements to translate, such as the page blocks, header, menus and footers. Linguise’s instant translation software translates all these elements in a single action – there is no need for one by one editing!

Furthermore, if you have one translation plugin in place for one language, for instance, you can add Linguise over it temporarily.

Edit cloud AI translations from the WordPress frontend

WordPress automatic cloud AI translation is not everything. It is said that to get a pixel-perfect translation, you’ll need to check between 10 & 20% of your content by a professional translator. Linguise makes it easy with advanced global translation exclusion and replacement rules and with a frontend translation tool.

Translate dynamic with Ajax content

Traditional translation plugins often struggle to keep up with these frequently changing elements. Linguise, however, uses advanced cloud-based AI technology to instantly translate any new or updated content the moment it is published.

Whether you’re running an ecommerce store with frequently updated product information or a blog with a steady stream of new content, the Linguise WordPress plugin will automatically translate it all. This helps you maintain a consistent, high-quality multilingual user experience that search engines can easily index and crawl, boosting your global SEO.

Translate auto-hosted WordPress.com websites

WordPress.com is the auto-hosted version of the open-source WordPress CMS. It offers domain, hosting, themes, security features.

Starting from their business plan, you can use compatible WordPress plugins on your website and guess what? Linguise automatic translation is working like a charm. Translate 100% of your wordpress.com website and edit translations!


Other features of the WordPress automatic translation

AMP multilingual pages

Linguise is fully working with Google AMP technology, automatically load all your multilingual pages with their AMP version, no more effort required. Compatible with all WordPress AMP plugins

WordPress content search

The WordPress multilingual search is available for all your content, meaning that you can run a search query and get search results in any language. It also works with 3rd party search plugins such as Revelanssi

We install it on WordPress for you

Linguise’s instant translation is easy to set up for WordPress as it requires only the Linguise language selection and to install the WordPress plugin. However, we are happy to assist in setting it up for you!

WordPress sitemap translation

Linguise generates XML sitemaps based on your main WordPress sitemap. It’s automatically updated when a bot crawls and indexes your new multilingual contents

Inline content translation

Inline code (like hyperlinks or bold text) is considered as complicated to handle by automatic translation tools. It has to be regrouped as an individual sentence to keep the content context. Linguise uses a custom tool to brings an accurate translation of the HTML inline content

Fast WordPress pages display

Linguise has a dedicated cache server. Once a translation is made or needs to be updated, we first check if we can serve an instant HTML cached version as a WordPress translated page.

How to get started?
1. Create your account and register your domain here >>
2. Follow the related documentation to activate the translation here >>