Translate your Weebly website with Cloud AI automatic translation

Translate your Weebly website and shop store instantly using our Cloud AI automatic translation in just minutes!

Increase SEO Visibility with Weebly translation

Start your multilingual website with our Weebly translation service! Linguise offers you perfect translation with SEO features. All translated languages include unique URLs, alternate links, and HTML language tags. Saving your time and making your website stand out in global search.

A simple fact: adding your content into just 5 additional languages, you can expect around a 40% boost in website traffic on average.

Grow your Weebly store & Increase Conversion

Reach the international market and increase conversion rates by providing visitors with content in their native languages. Linguise helps you translate 100% of your content online store quickly, including essential pages, register, and checkout. 

Grow Your Weebly Store & Increase Conversion

Edit translations with Live Editor

Get perfect translations with the Weebly translation plugin and perfect them with human translators. Editing any Weebly page is simple with our user-friendly and live editor.

Unlimited translations for your Weebly website

Linguise offers an unlimited translation plan for large Weebly websites. It’s ideal for stores with hundreds or thousands of pages or products, let’s say 10 new countries with 10 new languages, your translation volume will also be considerable.

Control your translation cost and gain many new customers with our LARGE and UNLIMITED plan.

Using High Quality AI Translations

Weebly language translator service switcher advanced design

Once Linguise translation is active on Weebly, you’ll need to setup a language switcher with flag and language names. Our Weebly language  translation switcher configuration offers many design possibilities. It can be displayed as a pop-up, drop-down, or as a side-by-side, in any position on your Weebly pages. Setup is made from your Linguise account dashboard and synchronized on your website public side.

high quality AI translation

Using high-quality AI translations

Linguise’s technology is trusted by a thousand sites worldwide. We offer unbeatable translation quality, quick service and optimize websites for search engines.

More information about translation quality >


Integrated with the Google Merchant Center product feed

Connect your Weebly data feed to Google Shopping to expand your reach. Increase the visibility of your Weebly store by providing translated product information for different countries.

Weebly Translation Rules And Dictionaries

Weebly translation rules and dictionaries

Linguise has an advanced translation rule system that can edit all translated content on your Weebly website. Rules allow you to replace text, and exclude translations by language, URLs, HTML tags, and more.

Effortless dynamic translation for Webly Store

Linguise’s powerful dynamic translation, including support for AJAX, ensures that all page information is seamlessly translated without impacting website performance. This creates a smooth, enjoyable experience for customers in any language without the need to refresh the page. It allows you to reach a wider audience and expand your Webly website presence worldwide.

More information about dynamic translation > 

Ask for a free installation on your Weebly website

Get your Weebly website translated in 10 minutes with our high-quality neural translation tool – we will do this for you, free of charge!

Free Installation On Your Weebly Store

Other features of Weebly translation tools

AMP and Google Shopping pages

Linguise is fully compatible with Google AMP and Google Shopping. Automatically translate all your multilingual shop content feeds and AMP pages. Get new customers on mobile and Google Shopping all around the world.

Inline Weebly translation

Inline code (like hyperlinks or bold text) is considered as complicated to handle by translation tools. It has to be regrouped as an individual sentence to keep the content context. Linguise uses a custom tool to brings an accurate translation of the HTML inline content.

Fast Weebly page display

The Linguise multilingual translation has a dedicated cache server. Once a translation is made or needs to be updated, we first check if we can serve an instant HTML cached version as a Weebly translated page.

Weebly sitemap translation

Weebly generates XML sitemaps of your pages natively in the SEO tools. It’s automatically translated by Linguise and also updated when a search engine bot crawls it, indexing your new multilingual instantly

How to get started?
1. Create your account and register your domain here >>
2. Follow the related documentation to activate the translation here >>